
Timing is everything

I'm starting to really believe this. One small moment in time has the power to alter the rest of your life, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. Thought of the week.

I'm still in awe of the amazing Mateo Messina (he won a Grammy for producing the soundtrack for a little film called Juno...). I had the pleasure of meeting him at a Symphony Guild happy hour on Wednesday. Have you ever met someone who has an aura that burns so beautifully bright? I did this week. I'm really excited to be a part of this group - I met some really awesome people and I look forward to helping out with this year's concert. Matt threw out some really great ideas he had...and some big names he is trying to book. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome! I love to meet the people that inspire me through art of music
